From Game Changer to Life Changer
Imagine doing something 20 000 times each day that impacts performance?
Imagine doing it wrong 20 000 times each day?
Imagine if you can improve those 20 000 times and it can have a profound impact on performance and recovery?
That something is breathing and it is connected to everything you do at every single moment. Re-training your breath to become more natural can be more than a game changer, it can be a life changer. Join our workshop where you will experience and learn several techniques, protocols and tests as well as how important scientific metrics can be used such as Heart Rate Variability.
Experience several breathing tests, techniques and protocols
The impact on sleep, recovery, performance and wellbeing
The 3 dimensions of breathing
How to breathe before – during – after training and competition?
Breathing & focus
How to increase red blood cell count and why it matters?
How to lower the heart rate during and after competition to conserve energy?
Breath training for injured athletes to maintain physical fitness?
Intermittent Hypoxic Hypercapninc Training aka Simulated High Altitude Training
How to incorporate I.H.H.T into high intensity training?
How to measure the effects?
Heart rate and heart rate variability
Heart rate variability traffic light system
How to practically incorporate breathing tactics and strategies into daily life?