Combine icebath with breathingexercises for improved recovery
Posted on 27th July 2023
Breathingexercises can be combined with icebaths for accelerated recovery and to optimize time. However, there are many things to consider when using icebaths because depending upon what the main purpose is the protocols will be different?
What is the main purpose of the icebath?
1. Inflammation & muscle soreness (Pain)
2. Heart rate & Heart Rate Variability
3. Immediate Recovery vs Long term Recovery
4. Adaptation
5. Circadian Rhytm & Sleep
6. Mood
7. Focus
8. Resilience
9. Physical, mental and emotional state changes
10. Cool down in hot weather
Some of the things to consider are:
1. The temperature of the icebath
2. Duration of the icebath
3. One or several sets during the session
4. Frequency per week
5. Before training or competition
6. After training or competition
7. Time of day
8. Breathtraining before, during and after the icebath
9. How much of the body is submerged in water
10. Level of experience in icebaths?
Note: Icebaths create a strong biological response and it is not necessarily for everyone especially if you suffer from an illness. It is important to progress step by step with respect to water temperature and duration.
Tagged as: Recovery
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